Final AWARD in informal tourney "Problemist of Ukraine - 2011". Helpmates.

     I thank the editorial staff of the magazine for trusting me to judge chess works of the international composing tourney.
     83 originals (37 h#2, 27 h#3 and 19 h#n) from 46 authors from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, England, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine were published in the magazine during 2011 year.
     The overall level of the works is low. H#n section is interesting but h#2 and h#3 proved to be very weak. Some remarks to several problems which were excluded from awarding (the report contents direct links to the chess problem database server
H87 – solution beginning with Sg3+, in my opinion, spoils the concept; in case of its elimination the problem may pretend to distinction.
H88 – completely anticipated: P0573817 [8/n3r2B/4n1QR/3k4/1q3b2/8/8/Kb1r4 h#2 2.1..].
H92 – interesting idea, however, it has been already shown in a slightly different interpretation [see: P0543754 b7/B4pq1/8/1r6/3P3p/2RBk3/3prpR1/b6K h#2 2.1..] but the main flaw is that one of two wSs is superfluous in each solution.
H94 – completely anticipated: P0516096 [1N6/2p5/3p2B1/2nk4/8/4n3/8/7K h#3 2.1..].
H101 – in my view, no improvement in comparison with P0576001 [7N/3p4/8/7P/1K4P1/8/7k/3q1Bn1 h#4].
H109 – anticipated: P1096553 [8/8/1K6/4kB2/8/4B3/8/4R3  h#2** 2.1..].
H114 – three second-order twins depreciate completely the Zalokotsky's twin type and the whole problem.
H121 – if the authors could be able to implement a function-permutation of white pieces (guarding flights/mating) the problem would have been noted despite the zero-position and some heterogeneity of white play.
H127 – completely anticipated: P0584571 [8/8/8/8/1p6/N7/N1K5/k7  h#2 2.1..].
H128 – completely anticipated: P0550804 [K5R1/8/8/8/4N1nk/8/8/8  h#2 4.1..].
H129 – anticipated: P0525719 [8/7p/8/4K1k1/5NN1/7P/8/8 h#2*].
H131 – solution that ends with mate on b2 is not in harmony with the other two.
H136 – I think the problem would have looked better without the twin ñ).
H138 – not quite harmonious and crude play. Compare with P1073912 [2K5/8/8/p2R2p1/k3N1P1/rq1Pp3/2p1P3/3B4  h#2, b) Pe3->d4].
H153 – completely anticipated: P0547843 [8/8/K1pP3R/2kr1b2/2n1qN2/4r3/7B/8  h#2, b) Rd5->b4].
H165 – anticipated: P1230575 [k7/8/1p3p1K/3p4/1P3n2/4n3/2N3p1/6b1  h#5].
H167 – anticipated: P1087216 [1k6/4N3/8/8/4p3/6p1/6Pp/7K  h#8].
     All problems are divided into three traditional sections.

      Helpmates in 2 moves
Prize - Í91
Z. Janevski (Macedonia)

1) 1.Kg2  Rc3   2.Bf1  Rxg5 #

2) 1.Kg4  Rb3   2.Be2  Qxe4 #

Consecutive self-unpinning of the black and the white at the first move continues with line-opening and pin mates with function-permutation of Qb7/Rg7 (pinning/mating). B2 incoming effect is not homogeneous but it is impossible to achieve a complete harmony in this matrix, I suppose. As a whole the problem is quite complex and interesting. Compare with P0547323.
h # 2          2.1..       (5+12)
1st Honorable Mention - Í151
S. Parzuch (Poland)

1) 1.Sxe3  Re8   2.Sd1 (S~?)  Rg1 #

2) 1.Bxe3  Re7   2.Bg5 (B~?)  Rh1 #

A pleasant Meredith with preliminary gate-opening and annihilation at B1, ambush play at W1 and accurate B2 producing a strong impression. There is a slight imbalance of B2 outgoing effect.
h # 2          2.1..         (5+6)
2nd Honorable Mention – Í150
Z. Nikolich (Serbia)

1) 1.Se5 (Sc3?)  Bb2   2.Sc3  Ba3 #

2) 1.Sce3 (Sf6?)  Bg7   2.Sf6  Bf8 #

Another Meredith in which the sequence of BSs moves is conditioned by interference-avoidance on critical square (c3/f6) at B1. Rather interesting strategic h#2 with slight disharmony of B2 outgoing effect. A light construction without technical units.
h # 2          2.1..         (4+7)
3rd Honorable Mention - Í111
O. Borissenko (Ukraine)

1) 1.Sxc6+  Sf7   2.Sd4  Re5 #

2) 1.exd5+  Sg4   2.d4  Sxe7 #

An interesting combination with battery play of both sides involving Bukovinsko-Prikarpatskaya theme with self-blocking of d4 square by different black pieces. However the tactics is unmatched in solutions; capturing of BSe7 is mostly unpleasant.
h # 2          2.1..         (5+8)
1st Commendation - H149
D. Grinchenko (Ukraine)

1) 1.Kc8  Qg3   2.dxc2  Ba6 #

2) 1.Ke7  Qf3   2.dxe2  Rxe2 #

Rather interesting nine-men problem with self-unpinning of BPd3, orthogonal-diagonal guarding flights by WQ protecting WK from indirect check at B2, and "immortal" Zilahi theme. Model mates. Captures of white pieces are not equally motivated.
h # 2          2.1..         (5+4)
2nd Commendation - Í89 v
L. Chertkov (Bulgaria)

1) 1.Sc7  Sb5    2.Bc2  Sc3 #

2) 1.Sf4  Sc4    2.Be2  Se3 #

Indirect unpinning of WS with cut-off a black linear-officer on mating square (c3/e3). Model mates in a Meredith position. Technical white pawns reduce the judge's evaluation.
h # 2          2.1..        (5+7)
3rd Commendation - Í147
D. Grinchenko (Ukraine)

1) 1.Kc8  Rb2   2.dxe2  Rc6 #

2) 1.Ke7  Bh5   2.dxc2  Qd6 #

A nice eight-men problem with active play of all four white linear-officers and model mates, but tactics is weak and not quite homogeneous.
h # 2          2.1..        (5+3)
4th Commendation - Í86
S. Parzuch (Poland)

1) 1.d2  Ka2 (Kb1?) tempo   2.Qd3  Sd1 #

2) 1.Rf2  Kb1 (Ka2?) tempo   2.Qf4  Sc4 #

B-B Umnov in combination with alternate tempo move of WK, unfortunately, not equally motivated in phases. Model mates are presented in perfect construction.
h # 2           2.1..        (4+5)
Special Commendation - Í135
D. Grinchenko (Ukraine)
after A. Ugnivenko

a) 1.Qxc5  Ra4   2.Qc7  Ra8 #

b) 1.Qxd5  Bb6   2.Qb7  Rd8 #

c) 1.Qxd4  Bf8   2.Qh8  Be4 #

Aristocratic miniature in which the phase with capture of WR is added by means of distant displacement of BK in 'c' twin, that however, on my glance, is not an obvious improvement of A. Ugnivenko's problem (see: P1078168).
h # 2  b),c) b8->c8,h7  (4+3)

      Helpmates in 3 moves
1st Prize - H142
V. Shevchenko, U. Belokon (Ukraine)
after N Zujev & V. Kolpakov

1) 1.Kxg4  f3+      2.Kh3  Rf2   3.Sg3  Rh2 #

2) 1.Sc5  Rc1       2.Ke4  f4    3.Rb2  Rc4 #

3) 1.Sec3  fxe3+   2.Ke4  Rf6   3.d6  Re6 #

4) 1.Rg3  fxg3+     2.Kg5  Rf7   3.Sdf6  Rg7 #

A powerful problem in multi-solution form with ingenious realization of "Alibino", on my glance. The solutions are also connected by four mates with WR (on different lines). It is a pity that there is no interference in the first solution. Considering complexity of play, I find the repetition of the move 2.Ke4 completely justified. Compare with P1231812.
h # 3         4.1..        (5+10)
2nd Prize - Í122
A. Pankratiev (Russia)

a) 1.Ke5  Ra6  2.Se3 (Qe3?)  fxe3  3.Ba5  Re6 #

b) 1.Ke6  Bc2  2.Qe5 (Se5?)  dxe5  3.Rb3  Bf5 #

A complex idea with rich and balanced tactics: white ODT, Pelle-move, alternate sacrifice at B2, W-B Umnov effect with indirect unpinning and gate-opening. Model mates. Compare with P0578332.
h # 3     b) Pf2->d4    (5+12)
3rd Prize - Í159
C. Jones (England)

1) 1.Bg5  g3    2.Se7  Kxe7   3.Re4  Rxg5 #

2) 1.Rb2  gxf3   2.Sc6  Kxc6   3.Bf4  Bxb2 #

Harmonious tactically enriched play with indirect self-unpinning (B1), alternate guarding flights (W1), sacrifice (B2) and self-blocking (B3) with function-permutation of Re2/Bc1 (according to Chumakov theme) and also Rh5/Ba1 (mating/pinning). Pin mates. A slight imbalance of B3 outgoing effect is quite acceptable; technical WPf6 seems to be justified in presented position.
h # 3         2.1..        (5+11)
1st Honorable Mention - Í99
V. Nefjodov (Russia)

a) diagram        1.Qc6 Rg4! 2.Bc4! Rg6 3.Kd5 Bxc6#
b) Pd4->e3       1. Rg4 Bc6! 2.Rf3! Bxd7 3.Kf4 Rxg4#
c) Pe5->e2       1.Ke3 Rxf4 2.Qa2 Rxf8 3.Qd2 Rf3#
d)=b) Pe5->c2   1.Kd3 Bxd5 2.Rf2 Bxg8 3.Rd2 Bc4#

TF-type problem with complete analogy of play in both pairs of twins. Technical WP, unpleasant capture on d7 and imperfect twin form have reduced the judge's evaluation. However, there is a better example of the similar problem (see: P1087748).
h # 3      see text      (4+13)
2nd Honorable Mention - Í98 v
E. Fomichev (Russia)

1) 1.Ke5  Be1   2.Be3  dxe3   3.Bd5  Bc3 #

2) 1.Kc4  Bg4   2.Be4  fxe4   3.Rb4  Be2 #

Memorable Meredith with ambush play of WBs at W1 and sacrifice of BBs at B2. The problem could win a prize if the author was lucky to implement a function-permutation of BBs.
h # 3           2.1..        (6+6)
3rd Honorable Mention - Í117 v
M. Gershinskiy, A. Pankratiev,
U. Belokon (Ukraine & Russia)

1) 1.Rb3  axb3   2.Be4  Rf6+   3.Kd5  Rd6 #

2) 1.Rg3  Sd6    2.Ke5  hxg3   3.Se6  Sf7 #

Economical setting with rather interesting and harmonious play with sacrifice of BR at B1, B-B Umnov, function-permutation of Bd5/Sc5 (active/passive self-blocking) and model mates in the center of the board. For the best economy the problem could be presented in twin form.
h # 3           2.1..        (5+4)
1st Commendation - Í155
M. Roland (Brazil)

1) 1.Kd6 Kf7 (tempo)  2.Ba4 Rc5  3.Bd7 Bf8 #

2) 1.Kd5 Bh8 (tempo)  2.Be4 Rc3  3.Kd4 Ke6 #

White tempo-strategy in combination with self-unpinning, gate-opening and self-blocking in black play. There is no complete harmony, however. Technical WPh6 is unavoidable flaw.
h # 3           2.1..        (4+6)
2nd Commendation - Í97
A. Stepochkin (Russia)

1) 1.e1=R Bg2! 2.Rxe4 Sxe4 3.hxg2(tempo) Sd6 #

2) 1.e1=S Sd3! 2.Sxf3 Bxf3 3.cxd3(tempo) Bh5 #

Harmonious play with black underpromotions, active Zilahi motivated by the lack of tempo-move at B3, vacating sacrifice at B2 and model mates. The play, however, rather prosaic and the initial position is far from aesthetics.
h # 3          2.1..        (9+7)
3rd Commendation - Í116
I. Kochulov (Russia)

1) 1. … Rf8   2.Se2  Rf5   3.Sc3  Rd5 #

2) 1. … Rd6   2.e2  Rg6   3.Sd2  Rg3 #

3) 1. … Bf5   2.c3  Bd7   3.Sc2  Bb5 #

Well-done addition to well-known scheme (see: P0526206) in a light construction.
h # 3          0.3..         (3+6)
4th Commendation - Í140
V. Kopyl (Ukraine)

1. …  Sf3   2.Sf5  Se5   3.Sfd4  Sed7 #

1.Sf7 exf7   2.hxg1=B  f8=S   3.Bd4  Sfd7 #

Block-problem with "Phoenix" theme (in actual play), self-blocking of d4 square by different black pieces and model mates by different white Ss on the same square. Sacrifice of BS as well as capture of WS look paradoxical but as a whole the play is dull. Sb5 can be replaced with BP.
h # 3     b) Bg5->h1    (3+3)

     Helpmates in more than 3 moves
Prize - Í123
V. Semenenko, G. Obljashevsky

1) 1.Rcb5+  Sd4   2.Kc5  Sf5! (Sc2?)   3.Kb4+  Se3   4.c5  Sd5 #

2) 1.Re5+  Sc5   2.Sb6  Sa4! (Sd7?)   3.Sd7+  Sb6   4.Rac5  Sc8 #

An excellent problem with double realization of well-known idea - pinning-unpinning of mating piece - in each solution plus multiple Umnov effects and model mates. Unequal motivation of anti-dual W2 as well as not quite homogeneous B4 are acceptable and completely justified by rich tactics and interesting maneuvres.
h # 4          2.1..        (3+14)
Honorable Mention - Í103
M. Rimkus (Lithuania)

1) 1.Rb2  Sxb6   2.Bg5  Sd7   3.Rb7  Sxb8   4.Rg7  Sd7   5.Bf7  Sf8 #

2) 1.h4  Sxc3   2.Kh5  Sxe2   3.Bg6  Sc3   4.Rg2  Sxd5   5.Rg5  Sxf6 #

A synthesis of passive annihilation with "come-go-and-return" effect has been already shown in a single phase with more pure play (see: P0501159). The author was lucky to realize this idea in two solutions, unfortunately, not quite harmonious.
h # 5          2.1..        (2+15)
Commendation - Í105
A. Stepochkin (Russia)

1.Ba7  Bf1   2.0-0-0  Bxh3   3.Bb8  Kg2  4.h1=B+  Kg1   5.Bc6  Bf1   6.Bd7  Ba6 #

Rather profound minimal problem, though partially anticipated: P1072697.
h # 6    one solution     (2+9)

Special distinctions (for miniatures)
1st Special Prize - H102
M. Babic (Serbia)

1) 1.Rd7  Sa8   2.Bd5  Kd2   3.Ka6  Kc3   4.Ra7  Kb4   5.Bb7  Bb5 #

2) 1.Be6  Be8   2.Rd7  Kf2   3.Kc6  Ke3   4.Kd6  Kd4   5.Re7  Sb5 #

A remarkable miniature with two active self-blocks in each solution, function-permutation of white S/B (guarding flights/mating) and model mate by different white pieces on the same square.
h # 5          2.1..         (3+4)
2nd Special Prize - H126
Z. Mihajloski (Macedonia)

1. … Bd5 (Be4?)  2.Bh3 Kf3  3.Bd7 Ke4  4.Bc6 Ke5  5.Kb7 Kd6  6.Ka8 Kc7  7.Bb7 Bxb7 #

The author has implemented a complex and difficult Rehm theme in minimal miniature, having enriched content of the problem with anti-dual key move motivated by square-block avoidance at W3. Compare with P1071953.
h # 7          0.1..         (2+5)
Special Honorable Mention - Í163
I. Brjukhanov (Ukraine)

1) 1.Rh4 Se3  2.Rf4 Sc4  3.Qg4+ Kf1  4.Kf3 Sd2 #

2) 1.Kf5  f4   2.Qe6  Kf2  3.Rh6  Kf3  4.Rf6  Sh4 #

A nice super miniature with rather interesting play and ideal echo-mates.
h # 4          2.1..         (3+3)
1st Special Commendation - Í124
G. Obljashevsky (Ukraine)

a) 1.Rc1  Se3   2.Rf1  Kc3! (Kc2?) tempo   3.Ke1  Kc2   4.f2  Sg2 #

b) 1.Re4  Sh2   2.c1=B+  Kc2! (Kc3?) tempo  3.Bf4  Kc3   4.Ke3  Sg4 #

An interesting tempo-play of "the light monarch" with square-vacation for "the leader of the dark power".
h # 4     b) Pb2->c2    (2+5)
2nd Special Commendation - Í146
V. Lasiy (Ukraine)

1.Qh3  Sd7   2.Bh4  Kb7   3.Rg3  Kc6   4.Kf3  Kd5   5.Kg4  Ke4   6.Rg5  Sf6 #

Four active self-blocks are associated with interesting playing effects. Aristocratic miniature with ideal mate.
h # 6    one solution    (2+5)

Judge of the tourney Vitaly Medintsev
15 April 2012, Krasnodar.

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